We are in the middle of tour season. Busy time. And almost all of our tours this year are sold out! The season started as usual with the Trail of Hope. We had a huge herd with us in order to get all the horses in shape before the highland tours started. As winter was long in Iceland this year, we encountered some snow on our first Kjölur tour - yes, end of June. Welcome to Iceland!

On the way back north it was already a bit warmer and when we arrived back in Vatnsdalur the fields were full of long juicy grass. Good for the horses to relax for a couple of days before the King's Trail, while we were busy preparing, cleaning, shoeing, planning... At that point we had more than 200 horses at our farm and it had to be decided which ones will go on the King's Trail and which on the Kjölur again. And a few need to stay home for shorter rides. Not easy to keep an overview. Lot of sorting and counting.

After the highland tours, we will continue the season with the Trail of Hope, before there is another Kjölur in August. And then of course the sheep and horse round ups in autumn. We keep on rolling!