Duration: 4 riding days - 4 nights
Dates 2025: September 11th - 15th
Difficulty: Advanced riders
Imagine hundreds of free and spirited horses cantering down from their highland summer pastures to be reclaimed
by their owners. Mares and their foals, young horses and geldings traverse the rough terrain,
not yet quite willing to surrender their freedom before the onset of winter.
The ancient tradition of rounding up horses is only kept alive in the North of Iceland.
From the Vatnsdalur area, we ride through beautiful valleys and mountains to Laxárdalur valley.
Here we team up with the Icelanders and help round up the horses
and drive them down from the mountains to Skrapatungurétt communal corral.
When this task is complete the locals celebrate with a special round-up dance or “réttardansleikur”.
We are of course more than welcome to join in the fun. The round-up continues the next day
when the horses get sorted at the corral and we help in returning some of them to their home meadows.
When you participate in the Round-Ups you are experiencing the Real Thing! You will be one of the group to herd
and sort the animals. Of course, that means long hours outside in the sometimes cold weather.
Iceland in autumn has many colors and types of weather. Anticipate to be in golden sunshine one moment
and to ride in the rain and even sleet during the next.
We, therefore, recommend to dress well during these tours, to bring long woolen underwear and lots of woolen socks
and gloves. It is also good to bring some „quick energy supplier“ like chocolate. A warm rider is a happy rider!
A detailed tour description can be found here: Skrapatungurétt
For more detailed info please contact us.